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Peabody 978-535-5353

NewburyPort 978-463-5353

Peabody & Newburyport Children’s Treatment

Common concerns for responsible parents include their children’s oral health and the potential need for orthodontic treatment. Braces are an effective solution to these issues, helping straighten smiles and boosting a child’s self-esteem while improving a young person’s dental health.

What Should Parents Know About Children’s Orthodontics?

Parents all over the country should consider taking their kids to an orthodontist. Here, serving our neighbors from Peabody & Newburyport is Dr. Pavlo. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, kids should visit an orthodontist for the first time by age 7. This age is ideal because children still have developing jaws and teeth. Still, an orthodontist can study the eruption from enough permanent teeth to efficiently guide the kid’s dental development and avoid severe dental health issues.

Visiting Peabody Orthodontics for Teens past age seven should not be a scary thing either. A skilled Peabody Orthodontics for Teens can shift teeth’ positions at any age. Still, the older the patient, the more considerations are required for the treatment. Nevertheless, treatment can be successful at any age. Younger children are at an advantage because their jaws are still developing, making it much easier to shift things around in pursuit of a harmonious smile. Dr. Pavlo can guide the jaw into its ideal position, thereby preventing more serious issues from arising later.

Benefit From Early Interventive Treatment in Peabody & Newburyport

Early interventions can prove highly beneficial to many patients. This treatment is divided into two distinct phases. Dr. Pavlo will start treatment by helping your child’s jaw develop, enabling an ideal environment for permanent teeth to erupt without obstacles. Some first-phase treatments may include palate expanders or other procedures to ensure enough space for the incoming teeth.

The second phase focuses on straightening permanent teeth. Well-known orthodontic appliances are the star during this phase. Braces and clear aligners are frequently used to achieve a well-aligned smile. Because there was initial work, the straightening phase of treatment is usually more efficient, taking less time to complete.

The adolescent years can be challenging for anyone, and some patients might be worried about wearing a bunch of metal in their mouths. There are two things we’d like to say. First, your health concerns are always more important than what others think about just your looks. Second, kids today are lucky in that there are more options than traditional braces.

Even if metal braces are now more efficient and sleeker than ever before, they are obvious whenever you smile. Still, you should know that these braces offer highly reliable results and are the most affordable option of them all. There are also clear braces made of other materials resembling your natural teeth color and clear aligners, like Invisalign, characterized by being near-invisible to the naked eye.

Dr. Pavlo will discuss all treatment options available and discuss which one he believes is the best for your child.

Child Treatment Depends On the Number of Factors

Every patient is unique, and so is their treatment. Severe orthodontic problems take longer to correct. Still, patients who undergo early interceptive treatments can enjoy shorter treatments during their teen years in the straightening phase. All things considered, we warn parents that orthodontic treatment needs monitoring. We have to frequently adjust treatments to ensure we will achieve the goals we set initially, and we require parental help to promote child compliance with professional guidelines and restrictions during treatment. The average patient may spend anywhere between 12 to 36 months in treatment.

Orthodontic Treatment Considered an Investment

Orthodontic treatment is an investment in your child’s dental health, smile, self-esteem, and professional life. Never underestimate to far-reaching effects well-aligned teeth can have on your kid’s oral health and hygiene.

There are many ways to make the necessary treatment more affordable Peabody Orthodontics for Teens. Dental insurance can help stave off part of the cost. A financial coordinator can provide you with all the information required to correctly estimate if the treatment is affordable.

Contact Our Peabody & Newburyport Orthodontics Office At Pavlo Orthodontics Now!

At Pavlo Orthodontics, we believe no one should ever have to choose between their family’s budget or their children’s smiles. We offer convenient payment plans that can fit into any budget, as well as financing options with low to zero interest. Everyone deserves a beautiful, healthy smile and our financial coordinators will ensure that is within your grasp.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why orthodontic treatment matters for teens

Orthodontics has three main benefits for teenagers. First of all, realigning teeth also has a lot to do with restoring proper function for biting, talking, and breathing. We don’t know about you, but we consider these all to be very important day-to-day activities. Second, it promotes oral health, so we fight back against the increasing prevalence of periodontal disease as patients age. Finally, there is a social and self-esteem component, so your teenager will feel much better after their treatment.

How will my child’s growth affect their orthodontic treatment?

In general terms, your child’s growth helps make their treatment much more comfortable. As their teeth and jaws move due to their natural development cycle, an orthodontist will be able to realign them much more easily. However, you should note that some complex cases of orofacial development abnormalities can only receive treatment once bone growth has stopped. You should always consult with an orthodontist before making assumptions about their potential treatment.

Does my child need orthodontic treatment?

Not necessarily. Some children won’t have to undergo extensive treatment, but we need to check them first to make an informed decision. In general terms, you can expect your child to have orthodontic problems if your family has a history of such conditions. Similarly, if they are very active children, play contact sports, and have had accidents where there’s direct trauma to their teeth, you should bring them to a consultation to determine if there are any additional reasons for concern.

When should your child see an orthodontist?

Children should come to their first orthodontic appointment by age 7. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends this because it is during the mixed dentition stage, that is, the time when your kid has both baby teeth and permanent teeth, that the conditions are right to determine if there are any signs of developing orthodontic problems that require treatment.

What is the right age for a child to get braces?

This will vary from one patient to another. Each child will have to undergo a consultation with a board-certified orthodontist to know what their treatment involves. Not all children will have to get braces right away. Some may not even need braces altogether. Still, this will all depend on very specific circumstances, meaning we cannot make any estimations without first examining your kid.