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Is Teeth Whitening During Orthodontics Safe? - Pavlo Orthodontics

Posted Nov 29th, 2021

A new white smile from Pavlo Orthodontics will help you tackle the world with confidence. Now we are sure that you’ve heard about the importance of orthodontic treatment, and maybe you are even considering starting your journey towards the perfect smile of your dreams.

The benefits of having straight teeth and a perfectly aligned bite go far beyond the health benefits we are all so familiar with, including improving the quality of your periodontal, jaw, and oral health. Straighter teeth also reduce tooth decay and can help you speak and chew properly.

Additionally, teeth treatment in Newburyport has cosmetic benefits that include giving you a more aesthetically pleasing smile and increased confidence, positively affecting your work and social life. However, after completing your orthodontic treatment, you might have to worry about getting teeth whitening treatment to ensure you have whiter teeth and a new smile as shiny as it is perfectly straight.

Why Do Teeth Stain With Braces?

Although braces will straighten and align your teeth beautifully, it is normal to find that your teeth have suffered some slight discoloration after your orthodontist removes your braces.

Wearing braces makes it more challenging to clean your teeth properly, making plaque build-up common. According to Healthline, Plaque buildup is common behind the braces’ wire and around the braces brackets, which adhere to the teeth.

Plaque build-up is normal while eating and drinking, so don’t over-worry.

Eventually, this plaque may turn into thickened calculus or tartar, which can have a brownish or yellowed color. Often, teeth affected by tartar or calculus can cause demineralization.

To minimize teeth discoloration while wearing braces, you must follow regular teeth cleaning routine.

Keep Ceramic Braces and Aligners From Turning Yellow

Orthodontic patients undergoing teeth treatment with ceramic braces or clear aligners will need to do more than keep an excellent oral hygiene routine. To keep your ceramic braces and clear aligners from turning yellow, we recommend you try to avoid certain foods.

Certain foods and drinks, such as tomatoes, mustard, sodas, red wine, coffee, and food coloring, can stain your teeth or dental braces. Red and yellow-colored foods are particularly prone to staining ceramic orthodontic braces and plastic, clear aligners. While wearing braces, it is important to research ingredients and foods that can cause surface stains on your teeth and avoid consuming them during your treatment.

At Pavlo Orthodontics, we want to make sure we help you achieve and keep the smile of your dreams. However, we don’t want to make your treatment time too hard to deal with, so instead of completely avoiding the foods mentioned above, you can also simply minimize the amount of them you consume.

Your teeth will stain, but don’t worry; there are many solutions to get your pearly whites as white as can be. Let’s take a look.

Teeth Whitening Options

Want to have a bright smile? You have two options: in-office-based teeth bleaching or at-home care.

In-Office Treatments

In-Office teeth whitening treatments at your dentist’s office are a way to get your teeth brighter and faster. This bleaching solution is usually much stronger than at-home kits. In addition, some dentists may also use heat or light to speed and intensify the whitening process. Some dentists also perform a specific technique during a 2-hour appointment. The cost of professional tooth whitening can range anywhere from $500 to $1,000.

At-Home Whitening Treatments

If professional whitening is not a viable option for you, there are many at-home treatments you can choose from:

  • Tooth whitening strips and gels: Strips or gels are applied directly to your teeth with a brush or a thin strip. These peroxide-based tooth bleaching products need to be used once or twice a day for 10 to 14 days. Results last four or more months and may cost from $10 to $55.
  • Tray-based tooth bleaching systems: With this whitening option, a mouth guard-like tray is filled with a peroxide-based bleaching gel or paste and placed over your teeth for one to several hours a day for up to four weeks. Over-the-counter systems or a custom-made tray made by your dentist can cost anywhere from $150 to $600.
  • Tooth whitening toothpaste: Because they’re mildly abrasive, every fluoride toothpaste helps remove surface stains from teeth. Whitening toothpaste, however, also contains chemicals or polishing agents that help scrub stains from teeth without the aid of a bleaching agent. This option is inexpensive and brightens your teeth by about one shade.

Does Teeth Whitening Cause Any Dental Problems?

In short, yes. No matter what treatment you decide to go with, there’s a chance your gums will be sensitive to the chemicals used in teeth whitening, especially if you already have sensitive teeth.

We’re not saying you will immediately develop gum disease, but your gums will be more sensitive after your whitening treatment. In addition, you risk burning your gums, and some of the whitening kits used at home can harm tooth enamel, resulting in tooth sensitivity.

Can You Use Whitening Treatments During Braces?

No, whitening toothpaste, strips, or gels can brighten the exposed surfaces of your teeth; but these products won’t do much to change the color under the brackets of your traditional braces.

At Pavlo Orthodontics, we recommend you undergo teeth whitening treatment until after finishing your orthodontic treatment with braces in Peabody. That way, you will have an even white shade on all areas of your teeth. While you still have braces, stick to brushing and flossing at least twice a day and, if possible, even after snacks.

Ready for braces? We are here to help schedule your complimentary exam with Dr. John Pavlo today